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Restorative Teacher Trainining

The restorative practice invites us to relax, reestablish and renew integrity in all the layers of ourselves. We go to the trigger points of accumulation, dissolving tension by correcting skeletal alignment and releasing the joints, muscles, tendons, deeper tissues, fascia, and skin, with the help of props, breathing techniques, and complete relaxation.

With the parasympathetic nervous system activated through restorative practice, the blood flows away from the limbs to stimulate and calm the organs, aiding digestion, assimilation, and elimination, which in turn reduces stress, anxiety, emotional pain, or exhaustion.


To whom:

- people that practice intensive sport

- people with very active mind

- people that feel exhausted or stiff

- when the body is stiff or injured

- when the body is phisically or menyally sick

- women in their moon cycle


This practice serves active sports bodies and injured or ill bodies as well. For bodies that practice intense sports restorative provides lubrification of joins and deep tissues providing more flexibility and muscular distress. Exhausted and ill bodies will provide the alignment and support to enhance the healing of the affected area.

If you feel frazzled, sick, stiff, ina very active mind mood or in a moon cicle this classes will bring you back the energy you need to restore your nervous system.


Learn the artful skills of what is  Restorative Yoga in weekly classes or training


This workshops and trainings will cover subjects from the proper usage of props to physiological relaxation. You will come to understand all of the layers and dimensions of the body – the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual – and how a restorative posture can impact them for release and renewal. The stillness is so important and movement, we will learn about biodynamics os the body, somatic movement and trauma relief.


Humans have a tendency to accumulate tension due to physical and emotional stress, exhaustion, and other factors, and when our physical or energy-centers and channels are out of harmony our vital force is unable to freely circulate, resulting in distress, disease, or a lack of mind and body integrity. Restorative yoga invites us to relax, re-establish and renew integrity in all of our layers.


Restorative is the art of learning how to release the body and mind, from the skin all the way into the depth of the connective tissues and bones. The teacher is the guiding voice during this practice, one where we can often stay supported in a posture for over 10 minutes, and that is the where restorative works, into the depth of body, beyond time and in a place where less is more.





The use of breath in restorative is essential. What it does, why it’s important and how to use it effectively to alter physiology for a deeper trance and healing experience. Very specific forms of breathing suitable for restorative will be explored through practice.


You will also learn how external inputs affect the nervous system, creating deeper accumulations in the body and mind.In deep restorative, we go to the trigger points of accumulation, dissolving tension by correcting skeletal alignment and releasing the joints, muscles, tendons, deeper tissues, fascia and skin, with the help of props, breathing techniques and complete relaxation.



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